At KSU Aviation, our main focus on providing technical solutions to airlines and airports. We provide consultancy to business on green aviation solutions. With our focus currently on providing taxiing solutions with the help of the latest patented technologies, we aim to research and develop, safer and green technologies for airlines and airports. As a trusted partner, we have formed a strategic alliance with Celebi Aviation Holding India, strengthening our expertise to offer comprehensive and sustainable growth solutions for the Indian aviation industry.
Çelebi Aviation is a global provider of airport services with a legacy of over 65 years.
The company operates in 5 countries and over 40 stations across 3 continents, with over 13,000 employees. Çelebi is a leading
provider of airport ground handling services in India, serving major airports across the country.
Çelebi is committed to customer satisfaction and sustainable growth. The company has set a benchmark and transformed ground-handling
services in the aviation industry. Çelebi is aligned with India's goal to make Indian airports carbon neutral. A strong commitment
to the aviation sector has propelled Çelebi to create innovative solutions to enhance efficiency and deliver unparalleled customer
experience. Çelebi Aviation provides a wide range of airport services, including ground handling, cargo handling, passenger services,
ramp operations, warehouse management, trucking, general aviation, airport lounge management, and VIP/CIP services.
A subject matter expert with almost 30 years of work experience in diverse fields of Aviation ranging from aircraft manufacturing & maintenance to passenger service delivery. Certified as a lead auditor for various ISO compliances to includes: Quality Management System (ISO9001), Safety Management System (ISO 45001), Green House Gas Emissions (ISO 14064) and Certified Aerospace Auditor (AS9100D). Dr. Khanna is also certified by ICAO on CORSIA verification and validation. Dr. Khanna was awarded with a certificate from IATA for “Promoting Aircraft Recovery in India”. Has had successfully completed Aerodrome Operations training from Civil Aviation Authority of United Kingdom.
Dr. Khanna had been awarded Ph.D. in Aviation Management and have published numerous articles, case studies in various
national and international journals. Dr. Khanna and presented papers on sustainable energy and environment sensing at the University of Cambridge.
As Managing Director at KSU Aviation Pvt. Ltd., he is instrumental for introducing TaxiBot Services as alternate taxiing solutions to Indian Aviation.
His deep understanding of aviation operational procedures and a vision to introduce future technologies in aviation sector aimed at reducing carbon
footprint had led to TaxiBot Operations run successfully in India. The operations had earned some accolades like “World’s First Boeing and AirBus
Passenger Aircraft performing TaxiBot Operations in India”. In his previous roles with Airlines and Airport Operator he had been instrumental
in introducing systems and procedures aimed at enhancing service delivery, reducing cost.